The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia


Dear Guild Siblings:

Happy SOLIDARITY WEEK at The Inquirer.

Last week, FIVE of our members were told that despite years and years of dedication and hard work for the company, both in their jobs and, for some, in serving on committees to better The Inquirer that we were all told were so critical, they are no longer needed.

This cruel and senseless decision followed a company quarterly meeting at which the publisher conveyed positive news on subscription and other goals.

It also followed weeks of meetings at which Bill and I urged the company to reconsider, contending these decisions were not going to make one bit of difference to the financial bottom line but would take a toll on our diversity efforts and talent pool, and deliver a substantial morale hit.

Clearly the response was the same indifference the company showed after polling employees on the culture and hearing that the hybrid work schedule of one day a week at most in the office was a major help on a number of fronts, including financially and regarding child care, and then ordering more days in the office anyway.

It is time to remind this company that an indignity to one Guild member is an indignity to all Guild members.

I urge you TO DO 3 THINGS:

1) Attend the Guild quarterly GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING ON ZOOM AT NOON ON WEDNESDAY. There we will report more on the layoffs as well as conduct our regular business. But I also want to have a very blunt conversation with you about what we should be doing going forward as employees of a company that quite clearly doesn’t care how much you sacrifice for it.


3) PACK THE NEWSROOM MEETING AT 3 P.M. THURSDAY WEARING YOUR GUILD T-SHIRTS. This will be an epic fail if the usual happens: that most attend via Zoom. We are talking about the first meeting following your colleagues LOSING THEIR JOBS. Turning out to express how unacceptable that is is the least we can do in honor of RACHEL, HEATHER, STEVE, JOSH AND JOE.

Next time it could be you and me.

In solidarity and deep sense of outrage,
